Eth2 Testnet Staking Validator Node

TheCryptoStew - Team
3 min readDec 2, 2020

Learn with the Pyrmont Testnet with Prysm

With so much interest in the newly launched ETH2 validator nodes, it is the perfect time to be asking how you can be a part of the blockchain industry.

Ethereum Rhino

Monday December 1, at roughly 7AM EST the genesis block of the updated Ethereum2 blockchain was validated, with over 20,000 participants worldwide lined up and eager to start validating.

This was however an event that was in the making after a year’s long development to build out new features and development for the network.

You can read about the updates and developments here.

New initiates to TheCryptoStew or blockchain industry may be unaware of the significance of the successful launch and volume of participants. “It is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” — @soscrypted

So how can you be involved with such a grand and technically complex project, and assist with ushering in the beautiful future of a decentralized digital world? There’s an app for that, sort of.

Months ago, our team was busy spinning up a testnet validator node in order to get this process right, and help with the so-called dress rehearsal for the intended launch.

What is a testnet?

The testnet is a blockchain running parallel to the actual Ethereum blockchain. They are often given names with questionable pronunciation like Pyrmont, Medalla, Goerli, Ropsten, and even locally hosted instances.

These testnets allow developers to operate, build, and test applications and smart contracts in a controlled, safe, and free environment without having lasting effects or implications for the operational Ethereum Mainnet.

New Pyrmont Testnet

There are plenty of guides on how to build a test validator node without risking your precious mainnet ETH, or if you have no ETH whatsoever.

With either of the below guides, you will need to have access to an Eth1 node endpoint. Create an account with Infura or Open Ethereum to use an Eth1 node endpoint.

**It is crucial for the decentralization of the network that we do not overly rely on these services.

Eth1 Node Endpoint

Hard Option 1: Running an Eth1 node helps the network, guide found here.

Easy Option 2: Make an Infura account. The free service should be enough for now.

Click the Ethereum symbol on the top left side of the screen, and “create new project”, name the project something cool, and let it fly.

You will now see some endpoints available, we will be using the “https” variant in a moment.

ETH 2 Launchpad

You could follow the easy Launchpad Guide Here.

ETH2 Pyrmont Testnet Validator Node — Using Prysm Client

Find the short version guide here.

A few tips…

Step 1. Open a terminal and enter the command to change directory and navigate to the drive where you want to create this folder/directory. (I used a fresh SSD harddrive called E:)

Enter the commands one at a time from the link for Step 1 recommended install.

Step 2. You will be using the same client as you would for the mainnet (what you just downloaded) but will need to get ahold of some Goerli testnet Eth by visiting the Discord Server.

Using Metamask wallet on the Goerli network, navigate to the appropriate Prysm Discord server and input the following into the chat: !send <your ETH address>.

You should get a message confirming the sent ETH.

Step 3. The Infura endpoints we created earlier in this article come in handy now. We will use the code snippet provided in the guided step, while replacing the <YOUR_ETH1_NODE_ENDPOINT> with our “https” endpoint.

Step 4. Self explanatory.

Step 5. Copy the full path and similarly to the Infura replacement we just did, replace the “%LOCALAPPDATA%\eth2.0-deposit-cli\validator_keys” with the full path directory, telling the client where to access the keys.

Step 6. This is self explanatory as well.

If you find any difficulty in the guides, the discord server for Prysm is a place to get some help. Get in touch, share and leave us a comment on our other channels.

@stewtheofficial on twitter

